Online Practice Pass
$59.00 per month
Livestream classes and Replays anytime. 
  • Unlimited access to ALL Livestream classes/Video Calls
  • Unlimited access to ALL Replays in the on-demand library
  • Includes Avita Green, Orange, Red, and 45-Minute and 30-minute classes
  • Includes Avita Yoga Series 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0

Also includes:

The Healing Physiology of Avita Yoga presentation - Learn how Avita Yoga gets to the cause of stiffness, arthritis, and degeneration and heals with proper stimulation. This presentation is included in your subscription.

Also, enjoy the workshop: Shoulder Movement for Life. It's free to all subscribers. Other body-part-specific workshops are available for just $27.