Avita Yoga® Orange: Anterior Hip Release & Shoulder Extension

Aired -

Jeff Bailey

Jeff is the founder of Avita Yoga. Yoga as an awakening path is his life's work and dharma. Passion and purpose were set in 1985 at the age of 23 when he sincerely asked: What does it mean "to join?" If yoga join...
**This class opens with a 10-minute talk on Yoga Sutra 1.2. If you want to skip it, please slide the button forward.**

The sequence features lots of fantastic hip and spine work that explores the interdependence of these body parts. The spine and hips are designed to move together in unison. But I'm also introducing the Avita version of a shape called Reverse Table that requires the active extension of the shoulder. As always, pace yourself and lower down when needed so you can confidently return to it another day. 

After all these years, the "right" piece of art found its way onto my wall. I hope you like it...and yes, that's Charlie at the bottom of the screen attempting the same shape.

Materials: 1 Bolster