Jeff Bailey

Jeff is the founder of Avita Yoga. Yoga as an awakening path is his life's work and dharma. Passion and purpose were set in 1985 at the age of 23 when he sincerely asked: What does it mean "to join?" If yoga joins, then why are we pulling ourselves apart?

Jeff found that with a self-forgiving approach, yoga can heal almost anything if we are willing to use life's pains and challenges to get closer to the healing power of the mind. This is the approach of Avita Yoga, where attainable shapes bring restrictions to light. As they resolve, join with true Self, healed, happy, and whole. 

Jeff holds four yoga teacher certifications: two 200-hour, one 300-hour, and one 500-hour. He currently leads the 200-hour Avita Yoga Teacher Trainings. As a trained Rolfer, he weaves structurally integrative elements into his classes that bring practical applications to life. 

When we find something that works, we naturally want to share it. Avita Yoga® works, and I would love to share it with you.