Avita Series 5.8 Orange: #37 From Teacher Training

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Jeff Bailey

Jeff is the founder of Avita Yoga. Yoga as an awakening path is his life's work and dharma. Passion and purpose were set in 1985 at the age of 23 when he sincerely asked: What does it mean "to join?" If yoga join...
This class is an Orange variation on a sequence from the Avita Yoga Teacher Training. It's #37 out of 50 classes that are taught in the training. You'll see me reference the manual. There is a good amount of arm and shoulder work. In addition to some standing shapes, we use a block and a couple of Sukhasanas to bring deep release to the hips. I think you'll like it. 

Materials: 1 Bolster, 1 Strap, 1 Block

Confidence increases as mobility and health improve. Orange classes allow the advancing student to experience additional healing pressure and complexity with predictable results. This level two class is open to all ages and abilities. For best results, practice primarily Avita Green classes two to three times per week with an Orange class once per week.